报告题目:Engineering Weyl fermions and anyons; engineering synthetic magnetic fields and dimensions in photonic lattices
报告人:Hrvoje Buljan
Hrvoje Buljan 教授个人主页:http://www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~hbuljan/
时间:2018-9-7(周五)上午 10:45
摘要:I will present a few topics of research in our group related to synthetic topological quantum matter [1]: (i) topological phases in 3D optical lattices, more specifically a proposal for experimental realization of Weyl semimetals in ultracold atomic gases [2], (ii) anyons [3,4], (iii) a grating assisted tunneling scheme for creating tunable synthetic magnetic fields in optically induced one- and two-dimensional (dielectric) photonic lattices [5], and (iv) the first paper proposing more than 3D photonic lattices [6]. I will present one possible route to engineer anyons in a 2D electron gas in a strong magnetic field sandwiched between materials with high magnetic permeability, which induce electron-electron vector interactions to engineer charged flux-tube composites [3]. I will also discuss intriguing concepts related to extracting observables from anyonic wavefunctions [4]: one can show that the momentum distribution is not a proper observable for a system of anyons [4], even though this observable was crucial for the experimental demonstration of Bose-Einsten condensation or ultracold fermions in time of flight measurements. I will show how time of flight measurements can be used to extract anyonic statistics [4].
[1] N. Goldman, G. Juzeliunas, P. Ohberg, I. B. Spielman, Rep. Prog. Phys. 77, 126401 (2014).
[2] Tena Dubček, Colin J. Kennedy, Ling Lu, Wolfgang Ketterle, Marin Soljačić, Hrvoje Buljan, Weyl points in three-dimensional optical lattices: Synthetic magnetic monopoles in momentum space, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 225301 (2015).
[3] M. Todorić, D. Jukić, D. Radić, M. Soljačić, and H. Buljan, The Quantum Hall Effect with Wilczek's charged magnetic flux tubes instead of electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 267201 (2018).
[4] Tena Dubček, Bruno Klajn, Robert Pezer, Hrvoje Buljan, Dario Jukić, Quasimomentum distribution and expansion of an anyonic gas, Phys. Rev. A 97, 011601(R) (2018).
[5] T. Dubcek et al., New J. Phys., 17, 125002 (2015).
[6] D. Jukić and H. Buljan, Four-dimensional photonic lattices and discrete tesseract solitons,Physical Review A 87, 013814 (2013).